Ethical Forum 2023 - Programme
ChatGPT & Co in higher education:
to be cheered or feared ?
Welcome desk: 1.30 - 2 pm
Part 1 (2 - 3.45 pm)
Welcome Jacques WILLEMS (chairman of the University Foundation)
Introduction Philippe VAN PARIJS, UCLouvain & KU Leuven (coordinator of the Ethical Forum 2023)
chaired by Marie-Catherine DE MARNEFFE, UCLouvain
Keynote speakers
- Arianna VALENTINI, policy analyst at UNESCO, co-author of Chat GPT and AI in higher education and Harnessing the era of AI in higher education (2023) "From chalkboards to chatbots: Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education”.
- Seger BREUGELMANS, Professor of Social Psychology, chair of the ChatGPT werkgroep at Tilburg University: “ChatGPT at Tilburg University: Fostering knowledge, skills, and character”.
Short interventions from the floor
Coffee break
Part 2 (4.15 - 6 pm)
Round Table and Debate
chaired by Dominique WILLEMS, UGent

Tine BAELMANS, Vice-rector Onderwijs, KU Leuven
Marius GILBERT, Vice-recteur Recherche et Valorisarion, ULB
Ilse DE BOURDEAUDHUIJ, Directeur Onderwijsaangelegenheden, UGent
Dominique VERPOORTEN, professeur de pédagogie de l'enseignement supérieur, ULiège
- Tine BAELMANS, Vice-rector Onderwijs, KU Leuven
- Marius GILBERT, Vice-recteur Recherche et Valorisarion, ULB
- Ilse DE BOURDEAUDHUIJ, Directeur Onderwijsaangelegenheden, UGent
- Dominique VERPOORTEN, professeur de pédagogie de l'enseignement supérieur, ULiège
Final Remarks
by Philippe VAN PARIJS, UCLouvain & KU Leuven
A number of background documents are included in the downloads section (see link above) as they become available.